Wednesday, August 24, 2005

new member of the house

..well not yet but in 3 weeks. Yes we are finally moving from Fish to Rabbits and this cute little one and its brother or sister will be coming to live with us in 3 weeks. That gives us enough time to read up on them and to build a hutch. The kids are very am I.


Anonymous said...

You are going to love your new babies! The one in the picture is so cute :D We have one rabbit and he is just the sweetest thing and a wonderful pet - enjoy!

K.S. said...

I had a rabbit as a kid and it bit my best friend on the nose! It also got as big as a mom used to joke that we'd have to find a saddle for him. I loved pushing him around in a doll carriage - poor thing! I named him "Muffin Sunshine" and used to sing, "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine...."

Rachael Elswyk said...

Cute rabbits, I have a scar on my chest from a white rabbit we had when we were kids. They are so much fun. No Rabbits for us relocated Victorians in Queensland though, it's going to have to be Guinea Pigs when we make the transistion form budgies to bigger stuff!