Tuesday, November 08, 2005

If I didn't know how to sew!!

What would I have done if I didn't know how to sew???? Let me set the scene. It is 4pm....Zoe is getting ready for her Minkey Hockey game(Starts at 5pm so need to leave the house at 4.40 at the latest) and yells out "Where is my skirt?"....I was preparing to haul it out of the huge dirty washing basket, give it a shake and hand it over to her. But No, small miracles do happen and a load of washing was put on today....in actual fact it is still in the machine, a mere 6 hours since the buzzer told me it was finished!!! What to do?? Haul skirt from machine, give it a shake and hand it over to her??? Put it in the dryer we don't even own?? Tie it to the aerial of the car and hope it is dry on arrival?? I even give her a navy hockey skirt I have.....who the hell I am trying to kid....that a skirt that fits me is going to fit my 6 year old!!! I opt for the "Wear tracksuit pants"..."No it is too hot!"..and it is!! We locate a pair of blue shorts that she tries on and discover they are about 2mm longer than her undies....Not a good look. So despite being a crap mother in many areas.....I can come to the rescue and whip her up and new navy blue skirt that looks great and she can wear it for future games and to school!!!


Jellyhead said...

Here you go putting me to shame again! (I can barely attach a button, let alone whip up a skirt in 40 minutes!!) Is there anything you can't do in the domestic sphere? Please tell me you burn toast, or maybe you decorate your front lawn with garden gnomes (and mean it seriously)?

At least I saw from an earlier post that you have a pile of clean washing on the floor. Mine is on the dining room table (as opposed to our smaller kitchen table), and it also rarely makes it to our drawers. Ahh, it's good to have these mutual confessions!

Alice said...

You never listen. Didn't I always tell you not to start making an outfit 30 minutes before you need to wear it ......da da, da da, Glad your creative abilities came to the rescue again.

Calidore said...

It's so nice to know there are other real life Mum's out there...lol. The kind that aren't phased by dramas of wet clothes, clothes too small or no clothes at all. Who am I kidding - it is an every day occurance in this house sometimes. Ahhh to be totally organised. Actually I don't know how you do it, study, raise children and a husband and still have time to sew and attend a market. I'm flat out just keeping up with the dishes and the garden.

cookingforjp said...

your Undies and chocolate post made me giggle. I am swiss, but now live in Texas. And btw, my mom is also the Queen of clean laundry, it might be a swiss thing.
Good thing that you sew and I love those shoes.

Judypatooote said...

OMG that is so funny.....you sound just like my daughter....except for the sewing part....lol