Tuesday, September 05, 2006

some days....

Some days are just so ho hum and then something makes you really laugh or want to laugh that you have to hold it in and wait until you feel safe to laugh on your own or wait even longer and share it with someone and together laugh lots. Now I have built the situation up and it probably wont seem funny to anyone but me!!! I spent all day yesterday cooped up in the Uni library reading and researching. I was in my University attire - ripped jeans, sneakers and really bad hair. Before leaving I checked out some books. Standing next to me at the loans desk was a girl who I thought could only be described as a "Paris Hilton" look a like. Now you know I like to stare at people and I sure did at this lovely girl...she really had all the Paris attributes, blond hair, big boobs, tall and wearing a lowcut top (if you've got it flaunt it I aways say!!!) and shoes that were so high and pointy I really felt like asking if she wanted to borrow my sneakers!! Yes I know it isn't that funny yet is it. However I thought it was when the little man at the loans desk hands her some books and then looks at his computer and says "The other book you have out, "How to make your own Hollywood Movie" is due back in a week"....I kid you not!!! You go Girl!!!!


Alice said...

Definitely SPRUNG!!!

LBA said...


BTW: I really love your blog header and b'ground. The colours and images are just gorgeous.

Zoe said...

That is so cute!! Hummm, I wonder what kind of movie she was making!!? LOL!

Claudia said...


Anonymous said...

Who wrote that book? I want a copy LOL Just kidding.

I guess you may have figured that I'm back blogging now :)
Long story, but it's nice to be able to catch up with everyone...

Hope you are all well in your neck of the woods :)

My float said...

hilarious. imagine if she'd borrowed an erotic novel or something equally embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

You like to stare?
I like to call it watching lol as my Mum always told me not to stare.. that's how I get away with it. I dare myself to give a huge grin if I get caught and see if they either 1. give a lovely grin back 2. give a weird 'sort of smile' back, or 3. give me either a freaky look or a cranky look.
I'm weird!
I can just imagine this girl in my mind.. brilliant.
xox Nicole.

Suse said...

That was such a vivid picture, I'm giggling now. And yeah, I wonder if the librarian would have read out the title if it were something like "How to get rid of herpes in 3 easy steps".

Oh, re your question on my blog, I have a sitemeter right at the bottom of my page. It's free, and tells me all about where my readers come from, how they came to me, how long they visited for, etc. Fun!