Sunday, November 27, 2005

Love Thy Neighbour

Though not sure if I love those on one side of us!! The woman is mentally ill and we seem to know when she hasn't taken her is a sad situation really!! But to open my front door this morning to see the step laden with weeds, a jar of olives, a bottle of god knows what, a pile of ashes and a candle that had burnt in a tin!! Then there was weeds all over the cars and rubbish (not ours) all over the front garden!! What a lovely sight!! With no answer from them...we called the police just before 12pm.....they finally turned up around 5pm!!.....Anyway they spoke with the family (she doesn't speak English)....and we just have to see if it happens again. As I said it is a sad situation.


kath red said...

how incredibly bizarre - what does it mean - some sort of ritual - no blood or chicken feathers anywhere I hope

Calidore said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all have fantastic neighbours. The family sounds very strange. I hope it doesn't happen again for you.

Sharon said...

We had a neighbour who sounds very similar to yours... She was kind hearted to a fault but when she had one of her 'episodes' it was quite scary... Even the kids would take a wide berth when they saw her coming...