Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I walked 7 kids to school today!! We have a few small roads and a busier one to cross and although it only takes about 8 minutes it was a bit scary (well 4 of them were not mine).

However it is a beautiful day and the sun is shining and Spring really feels like it is here to stay!! Lots of beautiful blossom trees blossoming, though some of them smell terrible! Our peach tree is about to explode! I will make a point to really enjoy it this year as it may be the last if we manage to extend - the peach tree is where my new living room will be!!


My float said...

Spring is here, hooray!! The wattle looks glorious.

Wow, walking seven kids to school sounds a bit too scary for me.

Kerri said...

Ahhh Wattle! I love it!!!!
You're taking me back now to my 'walking kids to school' days in Soldiers Point, Port Stephens. Seems a long time ago (between 80 and 83 when we lived in Oz for 3+ years). It's lovely remembering....
And then there's the Wattle song....the graceful, swaying wattle :) Thanks for the memories.
Beautiful picture!