Let me set the scene! Last week I was at a girlfriends house as she was helping me study for my Maths exam. We decided it was time for coffee and something sweet and full of calories so we drove to the bakery to grab something yummy and would head back home for the coffee and more study. I parked in a 15 minute park and we raced to the bakery with a quick diversion to a Shoe Shop!!!! In less than 3 minutes we both had our sneakers off and our torn jeans rolled up (we are both Uni students - Mature aged but trying to look the part!!!). Anyway it looked like it could have been a bit of a tug-o-war for the only pair of size 37 black Jane Debster boots that were reduced from $259.00 to $49.00!! Well my chubby calves won out as they were a bit too loose for my friend. We were out of the shoe shop in 10 minutes, made our sticky selection at the bakery and back to the car in less than 15 minutes!!
OK the fact that we are verging on summer and I wont get to wear them for about 6 months does not matter or the fact that they will probably be really out of fashion next season - I do not care!! They were such a bargain!! Oh and I do like them!
Marcel and his parents arrived in Australia on Sunday. His parents met up with him in Malaysia for two days and they all flew here together. It is really nice to see them all, particularly as together they brought 6 x 1 Litre bottles of alcohol!! Oh and my fridge is full of chocolate - my in-laws come from Switzerland remember!!!
So I joined the Gym yesterday and will start tomorrow!!
Bargain boots!!! What a deal :) And a fridge full of alcohol and chocolate.... I'm very envious!
Yes, what a deal! Great boots and a lovely visit from your very generous inlaws. Plus hubby back home! It doesn't get any better than that. Mmmmm....Swiss chocolate....lucky ducky! :)
Love the boots !
I have also been known to buy mine in the Summer too, as I am a tightarse, and if something suits me, then bugger the fickle fashion field !
Nice work for a 15-minute run. How was the adrenaline rush afterwards ? ;)
A bargain! I lurve a bargain! What a batch of great goodies...enjoy!
Bet you wish those boots were at your place instead of mine today. Would have been just the thing for sloshing around in the sleet and snow .... lol.
Damn stupid weather. Did your in-laws think they'd gone back to Switzerland?
Great find!! Am very impressed. Tell the inlaws I say hello.
I saw on ninemsn there was SNOW! That sucks!
Nice boots! And such a bargain!! Now you just have to wear them once a week for a year, and they cost less than $1 per wear - and if you have them for the next, even 2 years, they are less than that! Now how much of a bargain are they?! You need to start creating links to all your bargain buys - your $3 jeans spring to mind!
Cute boots - I have a pair almost exactly the same!
That has to be the best example of power shopping that I've heard in a long time!
I love those boots. Dang my calf muscles, they won't let me buy a pair of boots! And the good thing about boots? They last a lifetime. I still have an ankle set of boots that I bought in Italy about eight years ago and wore religiously with pants. They're still kicking too. (They're probably in healthier condition than me, come to think of it!)
boots look great!....I have a pair of josef seibel boots and it's brown color, i wear them everyday
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