Sunday, April 29, 2007


Sometimes I get a little frustrated that my nearly 8 year old daughter and my 6 year old daughter have no patience to learn to read the time. Time to them is measured in the length of school recess (half hour) or school lunch (one hour). Days like today left me happy that they do not have much concept of time ie. bedtime! Todays adventures involved afternoon face painting which resulted in everyone in the bath at about 3pm!! Due to the cold rainy weather I told them to put their PJ's on. At about 4.30pm they were complaining of hunger. So I just brought everything forward!!!! Dinner at 5pm some playtime and then bed at 6.30pm - reading until 7pm...Goodnight my darlings!!! An hour earlier than normal - on a good day!!!!Not once did anyone question the time!!! Thankfully!!


nutmeg said...

Shelly, you've certainly got it "up there" for thinking and "down there" for dancing! In bed an hour early - noice!

Alice said...

Hey, that looks like chocolate 'something' they are mixing up. How come there wasn't any of it to be seen when I was there on Monday? Still, I did find a couple of nice choccies in your fridge!

Stomper Girl said...

Having read your post I have now realised what a creature of routine I am because I felt shocked (yes! shocked!) imagining bathtime at 3pm. LOL.

Hope they didn't wake an hour earlier than usual the next morning...

My float said...

A whole hour early? I was tempted put those four words in capitals but was worried I'd sound too mad!

I'm impressed. If I try and put my son to bed early, he'll wake up at 4 the next morning. Really.

I hope the cake was scrummy!

My float said...
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