That would be my 3 children lining up at the top of hill (it was steeper than it looks) on their bikes and about to ride down really fast with panic in their eyes!! There were more trees around lower down and some were really quite big, well they had much bigger trunks! You may not notice that their Dad is also at the top giving them a push to get maximum speed. What you don't see is their Mother who was trying to take photos of her scared children and yelling out "Watch the trees" through her loud laughter!! They went up and down this hill many times, getting faster and faster and braver and braver. Isn't this what childhood is all about??
Well they were wearing Stack Hats and the hospital wasn't too far away!!
I love that Marcel is *pushing* them, too!!
I am currently facing similar situations with my kids - they want to have fun, and test their physical limits - so how much do we allow them to do? Recently Laura's favourite thing to do is swing until she's going really high (on our backyard swingset) them leap off mid-swing onto the grass. We let her. We know she might fall awkwardly one day, we know she could conceivably break a bone, but we also don't want to wrap our kids in cotton wool and have them living dull and fearful lives.
Still, I worry sometimes if i'm getting the right balance of safety vs fun. It's good to hear someone else lets their kids take a few risks!
Good on you for letting them be brave!
I am a few posts behind (sorry) the quilt, went to your sister's blog, a quilter in Townsville? Is it possible that I know her??? Did she come to the craft show last week? I am intrigued.
I have recently re-discovered the belly laugh and have done so through my two girls. I think I have been a little too uptight lately and forgot to relax and have some fun. I love your post for this reason. Like you said - the hospital wasn't too far away ;-)
Yes! Childhood is for having that sort of wild crazy fun, before we grow up and get too scared. And laughing till you burst is one of the greatest joys of having kids I reckon.
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