Well you just have to love Book Week!!! Each year the kids get dressed up for school as a favourite charachter from a book. Yes I have known about Book Week for about...a year!!! Still we left it until last night to come up with some costumes...and Ta Da!!! May I present Miss Pippi Longstocking (or Langstrumpf as my girls say) and Little Red Riding Hood. Pippi even had Mr Nelson with her and Red Riding Hood had a basket of plastic goodies!!!
ahhhh. Red Riding hood - always a favourite, I remember going dressed as Red Riding Hood for book week when I was in first grade!!
Very cute girls!
That's so cute! I'm helping out at Book Week at the Girl's school tomorrow, and I vaguely read somewhere about dress up day being this Friday - eeek!
(Have you read Astrid Lindgren's "Lotta" books? They are adorable).
Very very cute! And they look so pleased with themselves :)
If my daughter had this she would definitely want to go as Felicity Wishes or Olivia.
Your girls look cute cute CUTE! I haven't thought about Pippi Longstocking in years, but I adored those books. Thanks for these very sweet photos!
We have Book Week dress-up this friday for Laura ...I'll have to get organised soon, too.
Too cute !
Great outfits.
I love Pippi Longstocking...sigh. They look so cute. My girls were probably lucky that we didn't have book week...I would have been intolerable!
Ohhhhh...soooo cute! I remember book week, but don't remember dressing up. Wonder if we did it back then. Have to go ask Alice :) And where is the grandmother's comment on these two precious girls??? (Looking so beautiful) :)
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