Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back Again II

Yes back again from another week at the beach. Fantastic weather, warm water and totally relaxing!! Yes some more pictures to make the Northern hemisphere people a little jealous - well I get jealous when it is our winter and see summery pictures on blogs!

The kids (and me) managed to collect lots of shells and rocks and pebbles seemed to be a favourite this year!! I was on a mission to only collect shells already with holes in them so we can thread them with beads. Crabs were a favourite with the kids too and every day they would be yelling out "I want to catch crabs!".

Again I have arrived home and marveled at how well we managed with only the very basics in the apartment. We survived with cutlery for 6 when we were 7! It was only an issue when we had spaghetti and for once Luca wanted a fork too and I was left to manage my spaghetti with a spoon!! So already since being home I have had a bit of a clean out and throw out! This is all part of my idea of simplifying our life this year. I have even gone so far as to label food cannisters and jars in the pantry! This might be normal for some but for my chaotic tendencies this is new!!


Unknown said...

What a great holiday! Nice and simple - the best kind :)

I am on a mission to simplify this year too. We had a garage sale last week and I was embarrassed at the amount of "stuff" we had. However it mostly sold, and we didn't have a lot left to get rid of (as it wasn't coming back into the house!)

Good luck - you can do it :)

nutmeg said...

I especially like the picture with the kids in front of that rock wall (and the little crab, of course).

I've never done the garage sale thing as I think who would want to buy this stuff - but they generally do (as seen by your experience and others I know). I WILL have to do something as I'm coming to the end of needing all second daughter's baby/toddler things. It would be nice to get a little money for them to put toward a BIG girls bed.

Glad your holiday went well...back to the Sydney heat!

Claudia said...

Ah those lazy, Aussie summer days!