Her hair was plaited with pipe cleaners and successfully stayed sticking out all day. This is probably the reason she is home today (2 days later) with nits!!!! This is our first dealings with the little critters. I am very surprised it hasn't happened sooner. Are your heads itchy now???
That photo is priceless. Shame it had to be paid for with nits, but I'm sure you'll be rid of them in no time.
Great photo!! Looking at the book reminds me that as kids we would go collect frog eggs from the dam and watch the whole process in a glass tank.
I just started scratching my head.....
eeek! Nits - I truely tremble at the thought of my girls coming home with nits. But I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Cute hair and good book choice :)
very sweet!
OK a nit tip for you. Blow dry their hair every day for a couple of weeks. Head lice hate it.
Gorgeous photo ! She looks adorable !
Pass on the nits though, thanks much. Not looking forward to those things in my future !
Miss Longstocking looks a cute as could be...Gotts hate nits. our tash can find them on anyone and usualy brings them home, Ash has never brought them but she doesn't feel the need to hug the kids that have them hmmm that would help. lol
Poor Pippi. I live in fear of the dreaded nits. My daughter went as Penny the Pony Fairy from the Rainbow Fairy series. It was great fun.
And here is the recipe I promised you ages ago (sorry, I totally forgot about it!)
Tiny passionfruit cakes
90 grams butter
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 free range egg, plus 1 yolk
pulp of 3 passionfruit (but use more if you like)
140 grams self-raising flour, sifted
icing sugar
Cream butter and sugar till pale.
Beat in egg and extra yolk until pale and fluffy.
Stir in passionfruit pulp.
Add flour gradually, then spoon mixture into chocolate truffle-sized paper cases (I just used patty pans) until 2/3 full.
Bake at 180C for 15 min or until golden at the edges.
Just before serving, sift icing sugar on top.
That is sooooo cute!! I forgot about Pippi! I am going to have to get some of the books to read to my son!
Priceless! She's so adorable and you did a wonderful job on the costume and hair. Oh boy...nits are no fun. Must have been all those little fingers that just had to feel the cute plaits :)
That's a high price to pay for cuteness!
Have loved catching up on your posts Shelly. You always make me smile :)
That 80's party must've been a roaring time...love the costumes...and oh yeah, the big hair. What were we thinking?
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