Monday, January 14, 2008

No Title - catchy or otherwise...

Shay is growing out her fringe and so I have made a few of these hairbands so I can see her eyes again!

Zoe loves to wear them too. Poor thing had her hair turn green the other day after swimming so much. We washed her hair with Tomato Juice and it was blonde again! Then we had her at the doctor with very sore ears due to swimming! At dinner Zoe said "What am I going to get next as a result of swimming - Duck feet?"

What do you all think of this as the choice of attire for the very first day of Pre School?? Please vote!


Stomper Girl said...

Really? Tomato juice de-greens your hair? Fascinating.

As for that shirt, it is way cool but patently a lie. Look at that happy smiling face. I'd bet he's the life of the party.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was lemon juice to take the green out. There goes my chemistry cred...

I have a sister who deserves that shirt, but your little guy wears it so well!

LBA said...

I wish I looked so good in a kerchief tied on my head - your kids look so funky and wonderful !!

I just look like a cancer patient..

Would be so good for my ( all-too-common ) bad hair days too !!


Mimi said...

I'm not much into skulls, especially scary looking ones. I'm able to keep my kids ears clean by using a vinegar/alcohol mixture each time they get out of the water, pool or otherwise. Good luck.
